Category Archives: Kundan Kidney Care Centre

Categories Advice, Health, Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre, Protein, Risk Factors

Kidney Disease – A Global Issue

Kidney disease is a chronic disease spreading at an alarming rate. Statistics show that it is increasing every year at a rate of six to eight percent. Chronic kidney disease is a chronic and progressive disease. The most challenging part of this disease is to have it diagnosed in time to seek a professional advice.

It may take years for the damage to become noticeable. It also known as a silent killer. Chronic kidney disease goes through several stages, with the final stage being end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), also referred as end-stage renal failure (ESRD).

The main cause of this disease is type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Having both can cause a serious damage to the kidneys. The damage to the nephrons is slow and in the early stages does not cause any symptoms.

In some cases, it could be sudden, occurring due to an infection, injury or toxin ingestion.

When the nephrons are damaged, they lose their effectiveness as blood filters and the body is no longer able to get rid of waste products, toxins and water on its own. This starts to build up in the blood.

The buildup of water and waste products called uremia and it causes swelling in hands and feet and fatigue. Untreated uremia could cause loss of mental function, seizure or even coma or death.

Improper kidney function can also cause several other problems. For instance, not regulate blood pressure or essential metabolites and nutrients in the body.

One of the most common consequences of kidney damage is cardiovascular disease. In fact, eventually, most people with kidney damage die because of heart disease. Kidney damage causes fluid to build up in the lining around the heart causing pericardial disease, which is also a common consequence of diabetes.

Because kidney disease does not have symptoms in the early stages, it is important to get annual checkups. A urine test is often the first method that spots the signs of kidney damage, by detecting excess protein in the urine.

If caught early, kidney disease is very treatable. Treatment can help to stop the disease from progressing and causing further damage to your kidneys.

The use of natural remedies in cases of kidney damage can be very effective. Herbs and nutrients have shown to both treat the cause of kidney damage and even reverse kidney damage. When combined with the correct diet and lifestyle changes, the use of natural remedies means that kidney damage does not have to be progressive.

Categories Advice, Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre, Risk Factors

Blood Pressure Symptoms

High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems in the developed world. It’s also one of the most mysterious. In fact, it is often called the silent killer for its ability to strike people dead (in the most extreme cases) without showing any previous symptoms at all. But more often than not, people suffering from high blood pressure exhibit subtle symptoms of it but they often disregard them as something not serious. For this reason they may fail to see a doctor who would have easily diagnosed the condition with the most basic checkup.

It is therefore a good idea to pay attention to any signs of high blood pressure and to take them seriously. But how does one determine that they indeed are suffering from elevated blood pressure? What are the symptoms to look out for?

1. Headaches

Headaches can be an indication of high blood pressure but because they can also be due to many other things such as stress or anxiety many people don’t take them seriously, even if headaches sometimes become extremely painful.

Most of the early warning signs of high blood pressure, such as headaches, can be easily related to the condition: think of the old headache commercials on TV showing a head between a vice… that’s high blood pressure!

2. Fatigue, dizziness or confusion

How could hypertension cause these symptoms? Again, think of the physiology. If you rise quickly and your blood vessels are narrowed (a common feature of high blood pressure) you may not get sufficient blood to your brain, hence the dizziness. Confusion has related causes.

3. Blurred vision

A related symptom, which may often give you an earlier tip-off than blurred vision is sensitivity or tenderness of the eyes to touch. This happens because high blood pressure also increases the pressure within the eyes. This can make them sensitive to touch and, at a later stage, slight distortion of the eyeball due to pressure can actually affect your vision.

4. Noise or buzzing in the ears

This is caused by internal pressure in the ears in a similar way as that which causes vision disturbances.

5. Chest pain and/or nosebleeds

These final symptoms are obvious and alarming. You should consider them advanced warning signs that your blood pressure may be seriously elevated.

All of these symptoms can have many different causes, not just hypertension, and many of them are harmless, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. This is especially true if you begin to notice more than just one or two. The more symptoms you have the stronger the picture that starts to emerge.

Even if you have just one vague symptom or an inner suspicion that you may have high blood pressure it makes good sense to at least get your blood pressure checked. And remember that it’s true that most instances of high blood pressure show no symptoms at all. This is another reason for regular checkups. If left untreated hypertension can lead to other more serious health problems and even sudden death in extreme cases.

Categories Health, Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre, Risk Factors

Kidney Disease and Edema

Kidney patients often have to deal with water retention, causing swelling or puffiness of the tissue especially in legs, arms or under the eyes.

A quick test to see if you have water retention is to press the affected area for a few seconds and see if the skin retains a dimple. Other symptoms may include:

  • Shortness of breath (especially when lying down)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain

These conditions may require immediate attention. In many cases, your doctor may prescribe you a diuretic, also known as water pills.

As our body is made-up of almost 80 percentage of water, kidneys play an important role in the health of our body.

The kidneys and the adrenal glands are responsible for cleansing the blood, produce needed hormones, and regulate blood pressure and mineral balance.

If left untreated, edema can cause:

  • Stiffness
  • Increased risk of skin ulcers
  • Painful swelling
  • Risk of infection
  • Decreased blood circulation
  • High blood pressure

If you are healthy, it may be possible to try home remedies to address edema however, if you are a kidney patient, it is not a good idea to try things that may cause more damage to the kidneys then offering any good. It is essential to consultant a professional to address this issue.

At Kundan Kidney Care Centre we can help you understand the cause and remedy for edema.

We offer safe and natural treatment for kidney disease. Please contact us via phone or email to ask questions about your kidney health.

Categories Health, Kidney Diet, Kundan Kidney Care Centre, Risk Factors

How to Prevent Kidney Stones

If you have ever had a kidney stone you know the experience can be extremely unpleasant.  Did you know that over the course of lifetime, one in ten people will have a kidney stone?

If your doctor suspects you have a kidney stone, you may be asked to have diagnostic tests done.

  1. Blood Testing: Too much calcium or uric acid in your blood could be of concern. Blood test may also help monitor the health of your kidneys.
  2. Urine Testing: A 24 Hour urine collection test may reveal that you are exreting too many stone forming minerals.
  3. Ultra-sound Scanning: Imaging tests may show kidney stones in your urinary tract.
  4. Passed Stones Analysis: Your passed stone may reveal the makeup of your kidney stones.

Prevention of kidney stones may include a combination of lifestyle changes and medication.

Drink Fluid: People with the history of kidney stones are recommended to drink about 2.5 liters of water per day. If you live in a hot dry climate and sweat a lot then you may need to drink even more water so that you produce enough urine. A light and clear urine indicate that you are drinking enough water.

Oxalate-Rich Foods: Your doctor may ask you to prevent oxalate rich foods. Cutting oxalate rich food may sound logical but this  may not be smart for an overall health perspective. Eat and drink calcium and oxalate rich foods together during a meal. Doing so, they are more likely to bind in the stomach and intestines before they kidneys begin processing.

Diet Selection: Reduce the amount of salt and choose non-animal protein sources. Consider using a salt substitute such as herbs or spices.

Manage underlying Medical Problems: Some medical conditions like obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes can raise your risk for kidney stones.

Treatment may be required if the diet and drinking water does not work. Consult us for further information. There are herbal and safer ways to address this problem.

Categories Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre

Flush the Problematic Kidney Stones With Ayurvedic Treatment

Paining a lot, don’t worry these kidney stones can be flushed out of your system.

Time tested Ayurvedic treatment for kidney damage can put an end to this problem. Ayurvedic treatment is the most preferred medical treatment that provides long-lasting results without any side effects.


What is a Kidney Stone?

Kidney Stone is a hard object which is made up of chemicals in the urine. Urine has various wastes dissolved in it. When too much waste gets accumulated in too little liquid, crystals begin to form. These crystals attract other elements and together they form a solid that will get larger unless it is passed out of the body with the urine.

Your kidneys are responsible for eliminating these stone from the body through urine. The stone-forming chemicals are calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine, and phosphate. After it is formed, the stone may either stay in the kidney or travel down the urinary tract into the ureter. Often the tiny small stones get flushed out through urine from the body without causing too much of pain. But those stones that don’t move out, cause a back-up of urine in the kidney, ureter, the bladder, or the urethra. This is what leads to chronic pain!

How Common Are Kidney Stones?

Every year, more than half a million people go to emergency rooms for kidney stone problems. It is estimated that one in ten people will have a kidney stone at some time in their lives. The lifetime risk of kidney stones is about 19% in men and 9% in women. Other diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity may increase the risk for kidney stones.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

While some kidney stones are as tiny as the grain of salt while others are as large as a pebble. There are few others which are as large as golf ball. Following are the symptoms of kidney stones:

•  Severe pain on either side of the lower back
•  More vague pain or stomach ache
•  Blood in the urine
•  Nausea or vomiting
•  Fever and chills

How Ayurvedic Treatment Ends the Problem of Kidney Stone

Ayurvedic supplements are made up of herbs that are free from any chemicals, steroids and metals. The stone-dissolving herbs in your Ayurvedic treatment clean and have the property of breaking the stone. If consumed regularly, these supplements help in breaking the stones saving you from the ordeal of surgery. Stones once broken are passed in urine and patients get rid of these stones.

Any Long Term Consequence of Having a Kidney Stone?

Kidney stones increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. If you have had one stone, you are at increased risk of having another stone. Those who have developed one stone are at 50% risk of developing one more within 5 to 7 years if proper treatment is not taken.

Early detection and treatment of the kidney stones can prevent the risk of developing kidney disease or kidney failure. If in case you develop kidney failure, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure can significantly slow down the progression of kidney disease and improve kidney function.

Categories Health, Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre

Kidney Treatment – Choose the Right Treatment for a Healthy Life

Healthy kidneys are responsible for performing many functions. They keep your whole body in balance. They remove waste products and extra water from your body, help make red blood cells, and help control blood pressure. Kidney failure, also known as end-stage kidney disease, is a medical condition in which the kidneys no longer work.


There are many treatments available to cure this, but ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is the most preferred. This is because the herbs used are all natural and do not cause any adverse affect instead make the patient healthy.

When Is The Treatment Required?

Your healthcare doctor helps you decide when is the best time to start treatment. The decision is taken on the basis of your symptoms, other health-related issues, your stage of kidney disease and your nutritional health. Although this decision might seem to be stressful, yet it is recommended to learn thoroughly about the option you would go for.

Ask your healthcare team to help you choose a treatment plan that’s right for you will help you and your family feel better prepared to make this difficult decision. Each option has different advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to learn as much as possible. But if you are in the starting stage, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney damage is strongly recommended. This is because it slows down the damage to your kidneys, and with time, it may return kidney function to normal. But if the kidneys fail completely, the only treatment options available may be dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Treatments Available For Kidney Failure

Hemodialysis – In this treatment of kidney failure, wastes and extra fluid are removed from your blood. It can be done at home or at a dialysis center. In this process, the blood is pumped to a dialysis machine through soft tubes where it undergoes sterilization or cleaning through a special filter called a dialyzer. Once the blood is filtered, it is returned again to your bloodstream.

Peritoneal Dialysis – In this process, the blood is cleaned inside your body and not outside. The lining of your abdomen acts as a natural filter. A cleansing solution is made to flow into your abdomen through a soft tube called a PD Catheter. Wastes and extra fluid pass from your blood into the cleansing solution. This is a home-based treatment and can be done anywhere.

Ayurvedic Treatment – If your kidney damage is at the starting stage, then go for Ayurvedic treatment for kidney damage. The herbs used in the Ayurvedic supplements are carefully chosen and are free of any chemicals, steroids and metals. The herbal products are safe and have no known side effects. You can take them with your prescribed Allopathic medicines.

How Do I Know Which Treatment I Should Go For?

As your life changes over time, so may your treatment. You can cure your kidney damage by relying on Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure. The Ayurvedic treatment has so far proved to be effective in helping the patients lead a normal life.

Categories Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre, Risk Factors

Renal Cyst – Go For Herbal Remedies for Kidney Problems

Unlike kidney stones which are solid stone like forms, kidney cysts are fluid-filled pouches that develop on the surface of the kidneys. Kidney cyst is generally non-cancerous and harmless, while some of them are associated with kidney disorders which can lead to complications. They can also develop inside the kidney. When these cysts become large, symptoms such as upper abdominal pain, fever or an ache in your side or back can also take place.


Herbal Remedies for Kidney Problems

Generally, you don’t have to worry too much about kidney cysts unless they begin to irritate you. There is no remedy for kidney cysts. However, herbal treatment can help with the kidney function that may be impacted with the cysts.

Herbal Treatment – Kundan Kidney Care Centre provides herbal remedies for kidney problem. The herbs used in the kidney supplements are carefully chosen and have known safety profiles. All the herbal products are safe and have no known side effects. This natural kidney cure can help you reduce creatinine and urea. The herbal products can be taken safely with other prescribed Allopathic medicine for your cyst treatment.

Keep Your Body Hydrated – Drinking sufficient water is highly recommended to those suffering from renal cyst. Water allows your kidneys to perform their job correctly. It is recommended that you drink four liters of water per day. This amount of water will lead to about 1.5 liters of urine which can flush toxins out of the body. You can consider drinking cranberry juice too as it helps with a wide variety of kidney and urinary issues.

Eat Ample of Fruits & Vegetables – The nutritionists always prescribe diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods not only have a good fiber content but they also supply the essential vitamins and minerals. Experts recommend eating about four to five cups of fruits and vegetables. However, juice never counts towards your fruit quota because it lacks fiber. Also, leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, should be included in your diet.

Keep a Check on Protein Consumption – At the same time, it is also suggested to maintain a healthy balance of protein in your daily diet. When the body has sufficient amount of protein it enables the kidneys to do extra works. Therefore, including one to one and a half cups of protein in your diet. But make sure it is lean protein so that you do not end up gaining excessive fats.

Stop Smoking – Smoking, fumes from household chemicals and cleaners, and overuse of medicines create extra toxins in the body. This means extra work for your kidneys. Increasing the level of stress on kidneys means the cysts will increase in size. Therefore, always avoid those elements which make the matters worse and lead a healthy and blissful life.

These are some of the best suitable ways to reduce the cysts through its natural processes. Also, the herbal remedies for kidney problems provided by Kundan Kidney Care Centre are all safe and natural. The supplements are all free from steroids and metals. However, if the renal cysts are large enough, then a type of surgery known as a laparoscopy might be needed.

Categories Health, Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre

What can your urine tell you?

If everything is normal and healthy, the color should be straw color yellow. That hue comes from a pigment your body makes called urochrome.

Dark Color: Very dark colored urine could be a sign that you are dehydrated and need to get more fluids right away. Dark color urine may also be a warning sign of liver problems, see your doctor if it doesn’t get better after a day or so.

Clear: This indicate that the urine is too diluted. This can be caused by drinking a lot of water or taking diuretics to get rid of extra fluid. This also indicate that the electrolytes may be low and this can also be hard on the heart.

Bright Yellow: This could happen after consuming too much synthetic B-Vitamins. These vitamins do not get absorbed by the body and are flushed via urine.

Red or Pink: Some foods like carrots, blackberries, beets can turn your pee pinkish-red color. This can also be a side effect of medications or a drug for urinary tract infections (UTIs) called phenazopyridine.

If your pee is red or pink, you should see your doctor. You might have blood in the urine. It doesn’t always mean there’s a problem but it can be a sign of kidney disease, kidney stones, UTI, Prostate problem or a tumor.

Blue or Green: These hues are probably due to dyes in your food or meds, like anesthetic propofol or the allergy/asthma medicine promethazine. There could be some other reasons too, so let your doctor know if the color doesn’t go away after a short time.

Foamy: No matter what color it is, you should check in with your doctor if it consistently looks foamy and frothy. It may be a sign you have protein in your urine indicating that you may have issues with your kidneys.

Smell: Your urine usually doesn’t have a strong smell. But some foods, especially asparagus, which has a smelly sulfur compound can change the odor. When you are dehydrated and your pee gets very concentrated, it can smell like ammonia.

How often should I Pee?: Everyone is different, but most people need to empty their bladders up to ten times a day. If you notice you suddenly have to pee more often than usual, it could be a sign of a UTI, diabetes, an enlarged prostate in men, vaginitis in women or simply an overactive bladder (a common condition for older men and women). We can help you with this condition by offering lifestyle changes and/or medication.

Call us if you notice any change in your urine that does not seem to link with medication or recent meal or exercise especially if the change lasts for more that a few days.

Categories Kidney Disease, Kundan Kidney Care Centre, Risk Factors

How to lower creatinine

Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule produced from creatine. Roughly 2% of creatine in our body converts to creatinine every day and transported via bloodstream to our kidneys. Most of this creatinine is filtered by the kidneys and removed via urine. Usually creatinine production in our body remains unchanged thus making it a reliable way of identifying the kidney function. A sudden change in creatinine level may indicate the kidney disease or impaired kidney function.

What can cause high creatinine level? Dehydration, ACE inhibitors, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid issues, excessive blood loss, taking creatine as a dietary supplement and excessive amounts of red meat can result in higher creatinine levels.

How to lower creatinine level:

  • creatinine level may start to increase if the body is dehydrated. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluid every day. Drinking water means more urination that means more creatinine released from the body.
  • healthy diet can play a vital role in controlling the creatinine level. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, prefer whole wheat and include oats in your diet. Avoid food items with refined sugar, replace beverages with water.
  • avoid excessive creatine supplements. Taking creatine supplements could be potentially dangerous. It increases pressure on the kidneys and can cause heart issues and muscle cramps.
  • salt (sodium) can cause body to retain more water which leads to less frequent visits to the washroom. Stay away from foods with excessive salt.

If you are suffering from the kidney disease then it is best to consult with our doctor and a dietitian to have your diet planned. We at Kundan Kidney Care Centre offer a free assessment and offer a safe and alternative method of treatment for kidney disease.

Categories Health, Kidney Diet, Kundan Kidney Care Centre

What is Gout?

Gout is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. Gout is caused when the body produces an excess of uric acid, and the sharp uric acid crystals collect in the spaces in the joints. This causes stiffness, swelling and often very intense pain.

Usually the first attack of gout occurs in the big toe, this may wake you up from sleep. The toe becomes very sore, red, hot and swollen. In addition to the toe, gout can also affect; insteps, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers, elbows.

Uric acid comes from the breakdown of substances called purines. Purines are found in all of your body’s tissues. When uric acid levels in the blood are high, it is called hyperuricemia.

The main source of purines is:
– organ meats (kidneys, liver, brains)
– meats including bacon, beef, pork and lamb
– any other meat in large quantity
– anchovies, sardines, herring, mackerel and scallops
– gravy

Foods that are low in purines and are safe to eat are as follow:
– green vegetables
– fruits
– breads and cereals that are not white-grain
– butter, buttermilk, cheese and eggs
– coffee, tea and carbonated drinks
– peanut butter and other nuts
– low-fat milk and yogurt

So, one of the easiest way and the most natural way of eliminating the symptoms of gout is to reduce the levels of purine going into the body.

There is a natural production of purines in the body, so there will always be some purine which will be broken into uric acid. You can manage the level of purine by diet selection to a point that the kidneys can restore a balance.

How is it diagnosed?

We may ask about your symptoms, blood report and family history. Signs of gout may include the following:
– hyperuricemia (high level of uric acid in the blood)
– uric acid crystals in joint fluid
– arthritis that may develop overnight and produce swollen, red and warm joint
– attack of arthritis in only one joint usually the toe, ankle or knee

We may may also prescribe you anti-inflammatory drugs to address gout.

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Results may vary from patient to patient.