How Does Dye Given During CT Scan Harm Kidneys? How to Minimize the Damage

There are certain diagnostic tests such as MRI, CT Scan, and angiograms that are routinely prescribed by the doctors as they provide important information about the diseases and injuries. This further helps in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. In many cases, contrast dye is used. These dyes can either lead to kidney problems or cause problems in patients with kidney disease. The two serious disorders associated with contrast dyes are nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) and contrast induced nephropathy (CIN).

Treatment For Kidney Disease
If you are suffering from kidney disease and the contrast dye has started showing its effect, adopt herbal treatment. Kundan Kidney Care Centre’s carefully crafted herbal treatment for kidney disease has been successful in treating and even regenerating diseased kidneys, without affecting the level of potassium and other vital minerals in the body. Before we delve further into the treatment of kidney diseases, check out what are the symptoms of CIN and NSF:

Contrast-Induced Nephropathy (CIN) – The rare disorder is caused by the use of certain contrast dyes. Although there have been no reported problems in the maximum of the cases where contrast dyes have been used to conduct the tests. About 2 percent of people receiving dyes can develop CIN. There are increased chances of CIN amongst people suffering from diabetes, a history of heart and blood diseases, and chronic kidney disease (CKD). The risk of CIN in people with both CKD and diabetes is 20 to 50 percent.

• Symptoms – More tired, poor appetite, swelling in the feet and ankles, puffiness around the eyes, or dry and itchy skin.

• Ultimate Result – In some cases, CIN can lead to more serious kidney problems and possible heart and blood vessel problems.

Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) – Although rare yet a serious disease which affects the skin and other organs. It is usually found in patients suffering from advanced CKD. People with acute kidney injury (AKI) are also at higher risk. The disease can develop within 24 hours up to around 3 months. To enhance the images obtained during MRI, contrast dyes are used. These dyes contain an element called gadolinium. The kidneys of the people suffering from CKD are not able to filter out wastes the way they should normally do.

Symptoms – Burning and itching of the skin, red or dark patches on the skin, joint stiffness, or muscle weakness.
Ultimate Result – NSF can be painful, debilitating, or even fatal.

Can NSF and CIN Can Be Treated?

Although there are no proven treatments for NSF and CIN. Most NSF and CIN patients with normal kidney function have found their kidney function to normalize within a week. However, contrast nephropathy and nephrogenic fibrosis can worsen kidney function if you have pre-existing kidney disease or chronic kidney disease. When it comes to your health, prevention is better than cure. There are benefits of undergoing MRI, CT Scan, and angiograms for proper diagnosis and treatment, but the benefits thus obtained must outweigh the risks associated with the use of contrast dye in such tests.

Kidneys are very vital part of human body. Overall, prevention and herbal treatment can help you fight against contrast dyes which the kidneys are not able to filter. By opting for herbal treatment for kidney disease you can save yourself from various kidney problems and other associated dreadful diseases in the present and future. Natural kidney treatment has helped thousands of kidney patients, and is known to have no side effects

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