National Kidney foundation says that, chronic kidney disease affects 26 million American adults. Many studies show that a high fructose corn syrup contaminated with mercury may be the underlying cause of some kidney problems.
Many soda drinks may cause harm due to its refined sugar content (high fructose corn syrup). Drinking two or more servings of soda per day could link to kidney disease; particularly in women.
A recent study published in the science and medical journal, PloS ONE, provided evidence for the link between soda consumption and kidney damage. Scientists from Loyola University Health System examined the dietary habits of a sample of 9,358 adults from the United States. From the urinary samples provided by participants, an excess amount of albumin protein (albuminaria) was present in those who consumed two or more sodas. Specifically, it was women who claimed to have had two or more sodas within the 24 hours before the urine test. As a result, these women were 1.86 times more likely to have albuminaria than those who had drank only one or less than one serving of soda in the previous day. Healthy kidneys usually filter out albumin molecules in urine, so the higher concentration of this protein led scientists to conclude it was a sign of early kidney damage.
While the study did not necessarily blame high fructose corn syrup as the main cause for the kidney damage, scientists are increasingly wary of the highly refined sweetener’s negative health effects. There are an alarming 13 teaspoons of high fructose corn syrup in one twelve ounce can of soda. Based on previous studies, soda consumption is potentially causing diabetes and excess fat.
High fructose corn syrup can withstand long storage times and is cheaper than sugar, leading it to become a leading popular sweetener used in everything from breakfast cereals and processed meat, to soup and condiments. With the heavy consumption of soda in the United States, online doctor consultation services are quickly growing as more and more people become accustomed to receiving health care for minor medical problems possibly related to diet online and through the telephone.
The study that made a strong case about the dangers of contaminated high fructose corn syrup was featured in the journal of Environmental Health. The study demonstrated that mercury in high fructose corn syrup proves to be dangerous to the kidneys. Nine out of 20 commercial soda products tested positive for mercury, which is a known toxin. A follow up study showed that there was mercury in almost half of tested samples of commercially used high-fructose corn syrup.
There are several of those in the food industry who do not believe that the high fructose corn syrup in their products contain mercury. Such manufacturers claim that they use mercury-free hydrochloric acid and caustic soda. However, contamination could have occurred if mercury cells were used to produce caustic soda. At present time, there is a push for the industry to regulate how high fructose corn syrup is manufactured, to prevent further health risks from mercury contamination.
So, what can one do to avoid or limit consumption of contaminated products such as sodas? There are many alternative beverages to drink, which include home-brewed hot or iced tea, or iced tea in stores that do not contain high fructose corn syrup; seltzer or still water; flavored water (be cautious of artificial sweeteners used); juices, lemonade; hot or iced coffee; and more. For sweeteners, try honey, especially local varieties. With small dietary changes such as this, people can save their kidneys! It is forever important for people to read labels and ingredient of pre-packaged foods to know what they are putting in their bodies.
In addition, seek out the professional services of those who provide quality online doctor consultations and prescriptions should you have the need to see a doctor for any diet-related or other reason that would otherwise have you trekking out to the doctor’s office unnecessarily.
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